The Ice Cream Cone Debacle

December 04, 2011

Our plane was descending. As I watched the rows of neatly arranged standard factories and the greenery from the plane window, I heaved a sigh of relief. It's been two weeks since I get to visit a nice smelling toilet (with toilet paper and soap) without having to hold my breath and roll up my pants. Fish&Co taste so good after being deprived of seafood for two weeks. We had Swensen ice cream for dessert and were seated next to a family of three. They were young parents taking turns to feed their son while the other have his/her food. The wife requested for an ice cream cone (just the cone) for her son from one of the many temp staff working at the restaurant - Waitress 1.

The cone did not come after 15 mins and she asked another temp staff "Waitress 2" for it again. "I asked for an ice cream cone just now but it's not here can you get it for me first." Waitress 2 disappeared into the kitchen for a while but came out empty handed. Wife was furious and called another waiter (who happened to be another temp staff) "Hello you are the third person I'm asking, where's my ice cream cone?! Waiter 3 was startled by her anger, hurried into the kitchen and passed her a cone quickly. Husband concluded "See, this is what you get when you hire students."

Waitress 2 happened to walk by their table and wife berated her. "Excuse me, I asked for an ice cream cone and I told you to give it to me first. You don't understand English is it?!" Waitress 2 explained she needed to check with her manager. Wife found her explanation absurd. "Check what?! What's there to check? I asked for a cone just give it to me!"

Manager arrived just in the nick of time, apologised to customer and told Waitress 2 "Don't worry, I'll take it on from here." Waitress 2 muttered sorry and hurried away.

We witnessed this ugly episode just when I felt so relived to be back home and proud of my country. Yes, the service was not prompt enough. However, as working adults and parents, shouldn't they be more forgiving towards newbies or young staff due to their lack of experience? It was totally unnecessary to kick up such a big fuss over an ice cream cone. What a disgrace!

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