Shangrila: Pray, Turn, Dance

May 24, 2009

We started off with a short but strenuous climb (high altitude made me breathless very easily) up to Baiji Temple, a small and relatively run-down temple hidden up on a hill that's just behind Tavern. Nothing special but I like the fact that I'm seeing something in its natural state. The view on top was superb.


As we made our way down, we saw that gold wheel and decided to walk towards it

Just when we were figuring out how to go there, we met this uncle who was making his way down the hill. He was carrying some pine cone trees that's used for incense burning. He guided us there as his house was along the way. Another kind soul we met in Shangrila.

Street lamps look like the Tibetan prayer wheel. Cool!

At the foot of Guishan Park

My camera is often in grave danger of falling from great heights


Guiness World Record-Largest prayer wheel featuring ORS!

This photo is for my friend Sabrina who introduced us to Helen's Pizza and provided us with useful travel information here in Shangrila! We had 3 consecutive meals here cos it's the only place we know that's clean and we could eat in peace. Service is great and food is not bad too.

According to Sab, the BBQ in town is really good and assured me it's safe but we were still very much traumatised from food poisoning so we didn't try.

Waiting for the daily Tibetan dance to start

She took the lead

If you wanna have fun, join in! Don't just stand around and look!

Don't laugh lor it's not easy k...u not only have to move your feet but also your hands

How RARE to see rs dancing! Looks like he's enjoying himself!

Dancing in the moonlight~~

They were trying to stop the male dog from getting on top of the female dog.

I actually lasted for more than an hour when I don't even know the moves! Haa! I like the feeling of moving and swinging together in unison (well not quite, some like me attempt to lol) with everyone else. We like the music so much we each bought a cd back home! Woohoo!

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