I left the house at 9am and reached Halswell Quarry Park at around 10am. The quarry was used to build many of the city’s prominent buildings such as the Canterbury Museum. After its use had passed, the Council restored it as a recreational reserve for public enjoyment.
There are many easy short walks through the sister city areas and wetland ponds.
Halswell Quarry
I was blown away more by the Southern Alps stretching across the horizon than the strong winds.
The Southern Alps lie along the boundary between the Australian and Pacific plate. These plates grind past each other, causing earthquakes and pushing up the mountains that form the Alps. It looks like Mother Nature had drawn a faint white line across the sky.
I followed the signs to Kennedy's Bush and on to Summit Road. The track didn't have much signs along the way but it was well marked. At this point I have no idea how I'm gonna go back now lol (I had no maps or smart phone) since I was quite a way from Halswell I decided not to turn back and continued walking.
Tussock swaying gently in the wind felt like a prelude to the Southland tracks
I pressed on and found myself in Hoon Hay Valley. I enjoyed walking alongside the thick bushes of yellow broom with the Southern Alps in the backdrop. I didn't see anyone else on the track for some time and was relieved to see other cyclists and hikers after awhile. I must have walked for two hours to Summit Road.
Broom in full bloom
Finally on Summit Road!
I asked for directions back to town and followed a group of Korean ladies at Wolyster Road to Sign of the Kiwi.
The familiar sight of the volcanic landscape meant I should be close to the main road.
A cyclist saw me trying to catch a ride while walking along the main road and advised me it's safer to try at the carpark. I stood at the carpark for about 5 mins and a man with ponytail came out of a silver van and offered to give me a ride down. I hopped in and thanked the family of four who dropped me at the roundabout near a bus stop. I caught the bus back, happy I managed to make it back and covered more than what I initially planned to do today.