Why I Finally Joined Facebook

February 22, 2013

People would always give me an unbelievable look when they found out I don't have a Facebook account. It reminds me of those days where all my JC classmates have handphones except me and they had to call my home number to contact me. My friends have been nagging at me to create an account for years. But I have been avoiding Facebook since it started in 2008. When Facebook just started, I thought it's just another social networking site that will be replaced by another more powerful site, just like how Facebook killed Friendster. I'll give it a miss and join that "next powerful site". Then came Google+ in 2011. But it didn't look like it'll replace Facebook anytime soon. Truth is, I was also afraid my privacy would be compromised. It's been really quiet and lonely on MSN too. So I have thought long and hard about this and decided to sign up now so that I can keep myself updated about what's happening back home. Since I will not be easily contactable and will not be able to meet my lovely friends for a period of time, the reason why I finally joined Facebook is simply to stay connected with the people I care about while I'm away. If you're reading this post, that means you! Add me or accept my friend request ok?

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