The Joy & Misery of Receiving

December 23, 2009

I have never ever not once in my life received so many Christmas presents. I don't do gift exchange to begin with. The most it's one or none each year. To be frank, I hate buying gifts. It's physically and mentally exhausting. I can spend hours walking back and forth several streets, in and out dozens of malls till my feet are sore and end up with nothing. While walking, I would be thinking if the person will like the gift. What if she doesn't like it? What if he already have something similar? What if her friends have the same idea as me? Yes, I spend most of my time torturing myself about such things. Why? I want to see their faces light up when they open the wrapper. I hope to see the " shouldn't have!" expression. For my closest and loved ones, I have no complaints. But why would I want to go through all the distress for people I am not close to or people who can't appreciate?

It sure feels nice receiving presents. Initially when I see presents on my desk I would go "Wow, this person bothered to get me something." When the presents come to me personally along with a handshake and 'Merry Christmas!', I would go "Oh thank you!" with an apologetic look because I have nothing to give. As the number of wrapped boxes start to increase, I start to think "Ok, is this out of courtesy bcos everyone's doing it or what?" You know the thing about gifts? Once you start, you can't stop. Now I feel obliged to give back the many Christmas presents I have received. If I can choose, I'd rather not receive any presents.

Who invented Christmas presents? It's such a hassle.

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