Frasers Beach & View Hill

November 15, 2013

The first guests I met at Freestone were Josef and Thomas from Germany. I hardly ever see father and son on a holiday together and I was really amazed how friendship-like their relationship was. On the surface they would annoy and make fun of each other but Thomas would still cook for his dad while Josef does his best to keep up with his son when they go sightseeing. When I asked what were their plans today Thomas said he wanted to go to Fuel Hill. I laughed when I realised he meant "view" and it was just the way Germans pronounce "v" as "f". They let me tag along; I was eager to get out and was quite surprised they weren't taking their car given we were in a remote part of the country.

They stopped at Frasers Beach for a look. This was taken yesterday when Kerstin brought me to the same place with her baby daughter Carla and I was swarmed with sandflies.

Me trailing behind as I was busy taking photos and them giving me the "hurry up" look lol. There were no signs along the way but Thomas still managed to get there using a handwritten map.

Based on this survey mark, I finally managed to retrace my steps years later. It is located near the Moturau Heights subdivision and west of the Te Anau airport.

This little known lookout offers an overview of Lake Manapouri

Fuel Hill 😉

As we were making our way back, Josef stuck his thumb out for a ride. He gave up quickly and told me it was super easy to get a ride in Bavaria. As we walked along the highway, Josef laughed at my English and I laughed at his English while Thomas translated what I was saying from English to German to his father and translated what Josef was saying from German to English to me.

See that tiny white triangle in the middle? That's Jimmy's house. We have to walk back there. Groans!

Finally we made it back on foot. Thomas prepared a nice meal for his dad and we had more laughs over dinner. They told me they will be stopping at Singapore on the way back to Germany and I wrote them a list of food to try. It was a shame that they were leaving the next day as I had enjoyed my short time with these two funny and interesting Germans. Safe travels Josef Papa & Thomas!

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